Teaching calendar
I teach yoga, hot yoga, myofascial release, and Pilates throughout Kitchener-Waterloo and online. See the calendar below for information on all my public classes.
Free classes
To honour yoga’s traditional roots and keep the practice as accessible as possible, I offer numerous free classes a week (see the calendar for classes labelled ‘free’). These classes are run through:
KO Yoga: a non-profit I co-founded that is dedicated to bringing movement to the masses. We partner with corporations to offer weekly free yoga classes at venues throughout Kitchener-Waterloo.
Movement with Megan and Alana: My partnership with Megan Prenty where we deliver workshops and classes with a focus on creating a safe and fun practice community.
Paid classes
I teach yoga, hot yoga, and Pilates at several studios and gyms around town (see the calendar for classes labelled ‘paid’). Find me on the schedule at:
MyFitness Waterloo (only available to Sunlife Financial employees, retirees, and their family members)
Private classes
I teach Pilates, yoga, and myofascial release workshops for corporate clients on a weekly and one-off basis. Contact me if you would like to learn more about these opportunities.