Blog by Megan and Alana
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Simple self-care: Neck tension
Exploring the causes of neck tension and some at home resources to help manage and prevent muscle tension in the neck.
Managing depth when rolling: standing pelvis roll out
A short read on how to better control and manage pressure when using rolling exercises to the glutes and hips. Learn three guided videos of different rolling exercises for the muscles of the pelvis done standing.
Simple self-care: Relieve jaw tension
This simple self-care blog focuses on jaw tension. Learn a bit about this complex part of the body and common causes of discomfort. Explore three guided self-care practices to help manage jaw tension.
Roll out neck tension
Explore the anatomy of the neck and how postural strain can result in increased muscle tension and muscle pain. Learn three different rolling exercises to use myofascial release techniques to support healthy movement and tissue in the neck.
The anatomy of pranayama
A short overview of the muscles and anatomy of breathing. Included are two guided video yogic breathing practices.
Hip tension relief with rolling
Myofascial release moves for the hips. A brief anatomy review and some practices to keep you moving well and reducing the impact of muscle tension and postural strain.
Self-care for headaches
A brief overview of what causes tension headaches and a collection of practices to release the scalp and muscles of the neck and face that commonly contribute to tension headaches.
Rolling for low back release
Learn three simple rolling exercises to release tension in the low back, SI joints and glute muscles.